Thursday, July 23, 2009

Thing 20

I had been to both YouTube and TeacherTube before, but I had not seriously considered the possibilities for using them in class. I watched several YouTube videos from the solar eclipse in Hong Kong to several different top 10 reasons not to have homework. I also watched the trailer for the new Twilight movie which will be a high interest topic for my middle school students.

On TeacherTube, I found a number of videos posted by New Caney High School Journalism that could be useful to me in my middle school journalism classes. There were a number of examples of their school newscast which I will be able to use as examples for my broadcast students. My favorite was their commercial for their school yearbook which was set up as a full story.

I think I will probably be returning for more short videos that will help explain topics to my students and keep them interested just because they are watching a video.

I also really liked the TeacherTube video on evaluating websites.

After spending my time in summer school trying to convince middle school students that information was not necessarily correct just because they found it on the Internet, I'm firmly convinced we need to do a better job teaching our students to think critically about what they see and read.

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Ginger Girl

Ginger Girl