Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Thing 8

I've been looking for a good screencasting application. There are lots of things I would prefer my students be able to view at the computer and then immediately try. This is especially true for my Journalism/Desktop Publishing classes. By the time I walk them through a complicated program like PhotoShop Elements and they get to a computer to try it, they forget where to go. Using a screencast in short increments would allow them to have 2 open windows, view the instructions and immediately try them out. My sample screencast was made on Screen-O-Matic and I created a short video on how to open Photoshop and convert a photo from color to black and white.

1 comment:

  1. Great screencast! I have used it many times since learning about it and keep them in a special folder. Student use them when they forget how to do something. Some even prefer to learn that way or are too shy to ask me to show them again or don't have the time to wait for me to help them. Great for both groups. Glad you liked the program.


Ginger Girl

Ginger Girl